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Susskind, Lawrence, and Todd Schenk. Can Games Really Change The Course Of History?. Négociations 2, no. 22. Négociations (2014): 29-39. doi:10.3917/neg.022.0029.
Susskind, Lawrence. Can Public Policy Dispute Resolution Meet The Challenges Set By Deliberative Democracy?. Dispute Resolution Magazine 12, no. 2. Dispute Resolution Magazine (2006): 5-6.
Susskind, Lawrence, Alejandro Camacho, and Todd Schenk. Collaborative Planning And Adaptive Management In Glen Canyon: A Cautionary Tale. Columbia Journal Of Environmental Law 35, no. 1. Columbia Journal Of Environmental Law (2010): 1-55.
Susskind, Lawrence, and Philip Glenn. Communication And Negotiation How Talk Works: Studying Negotiation Interaction. Negotiation Journal 26, no. 2. Negotiation Journal (2010): 117-123. doi:10.1111/j.1571-9979.2010.00260.x.
