The Warming Arctic: Site of a New 'Cold War'?

TitleThe Warming Arctic: Site of a New 'Cold War'?
Publication TypeAudiovisual
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsSusskind, L
Series TitleThe Warming Arctic: Site of a New "Cold War"?
Date Published09/2016
PublisherMIT: Center for International Studies

MIT's Center for International Studies hosted the Starr Forum: The Warming Arctic: Site of a New 'Cold War'?where speakers explored the geopolitical implications of the thawing Arctic. Speakers discussed what is at stake as trade routes and mineral deposits open up due to Climate Change. The changing landscape in the Arctic opens up tremendous potential, but also the possibility of geopolitical conflict among the littoral states. The range of topics included; What should be the new international regime governing Arctic exploration and passage? What are US and Russian objectives in the Arctic? Can the states surrounding the Arctic agree about governance? How great is the potential for conflict over Arctic resources and re-militarization?

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