Title | Environment and Sustainability Negotiation Role-Play: Radwaste I |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Year of Publication | 1984 |
Authors | Loofbourrow, T, Susskind, L, Madigan, D, Rundle, W |
Keywords | agency, agreement, agreements, BATNA, bluffing, coalition, competition, conflict, cooperation, dispute, environmental disputes, interests, Managing Groundwater Beneath the Pablo-Burford Border, mediation, negotiate, negotiating, negotiating strategies, negotiation, negotiations, PON, reservation price, tactics |
Abstract | Seven-party, multi-issue, scoreable negotiation among regulatory, environmental, tribal, local government, and industry representatives to choose criteria for selecting a low-level radioactive waste disposal site. |
URL | http://www.pon.harvard.edu/shop/radwaste-i/ |
Full Text | The state is required by federal law to site a low-level radioactive waste (LLW) disposal facility within a year. The State Regulatory Agency responsible for siting the facility must develop a set of criteria. This agency is empowered to decide the criteria on its own, but would prefer to have these negotiated by parties specifically concerned about this issue of low-level radioactive waste. Seven stakeholder groups have an interest in the negotiation. If at least five of the seven agree to a set of ten siting criteria, these criteria will be adopted by the State Agency. In the absence of an agreement, the State will promulgate its own criteria. The seven parties include: a State Management Authority responsible for operating the facility; the Indian Tribal Council; a moderate environmental coalition; a more radical coalition of environmental and anti-nuclear activists; the Municipal and County Governments’ Association; the Radioactive Waste Generators’ Association; and the Governor’s Blue-Ribbon Panel of Science and Economic Advisors. |
Environment and Sustainability Negotiation Role-Play: Radwaste I
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