Title | Environment and Sustainability Negotiation Role-Play: Managing Groundwater Beneath the Pablo-Burford Border |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Year of Publication | 1996 |
Authors | Susskind, L |
Keywords | agency, agreement, alliance, BATNA, cultural negotiation, dispute, environmental disputes, hitana, Hitana Bay Development Simulation, interests, negotiate, negotiating, negotiation, negotiations, PON |
Abstract | Two-team, ten-person, multi-issue, co-chaired negotiation between representatives of two adjacent countries regarding the transboundary management of a severe water shortage crisis |
URL | http://www.pon.harvard.edu/shop/managing-groundwater-beneath-the-pablo-burford-border/ |
Full Text | The fictional countries of Pablo and Burford face a water crisis brought on by extreme water quality and quantity problems. The dismal water situation is largely a result of unsustainable agricultural activities in the borderlands separating the two countries. Two years ago, the Presidents of Pablo and Burford instructed the responsible national authorities to prepare a sustainable agricultural and water protection plan. Since then, the Burford Environmental Department and the Pablo Agriculture Department having been working to organize a joint summit to negotiate the framework of such a plan. In the midst of summit planning, a new controversy regarding agrochemical pollution of borderland groundwaters emerges. The summit now has been scheduled for six months earlier than originally planned. The summit will be co-chaired by representatives of the Burford Environmental Department and the Pablo Agriculture Department. The other participants include the Governor of the Burford border state of Grady and representatives from a number of national and international NGOs with interests in groundwater policy. The agenda includes nine decision items, and the participants are expected to reach agreement by at least a two-thirds vote on all nine items. |
Environment and Sustainability Negotiation Role-Play: Managing Groundwater Beneath the Pablo-Burford Border
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