Title | Cross-Cultural Negotiation Role-Play: Big Pipeline in Swagwit |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Year of Publication | 1998 |
Authors | Davenport, K, Field, P, Susskind, L |
Keywords | agreement, agreements, BATNA, cooperation, interests, mutual gain, mutual gains, negotiate, negotiating, negotiating style, negotiating styles, negotiation, negotiator, negotiators, PON, relationship |
Abstract | Two-party, two-issue integrative negotiation between representatives of a construction company and a Native American group regarding allocation of construction jobs |
URL | http://www.pon.harvard.edu/shop/big-pipeline-in-swagwit/ |
Full Text | Big Pipeline, a construction company, is building a pipeline through land owned by First Nation (Native American) peoples. Twenty years ago, a similar project by the same company left many of the indigenous peoples feeling dissatisfied and unhappy – this has resulted in tensions in this current negotiation. Happily, most of the issues between the Mountain Home Band, the group of First Nations people who will be the most affected, and Big Pipeline have been worked out. One major issue remains – allocation of job opportunities. How many laborers should be used for the construction project and how many of these jobs should be reserved for Mountain Home Band people? |
Cross-Cultural Negotiation Role-Play: Big Pipeline in Swagwit
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