City Planner, Mediator, and MIT Professor

Corporate Decision-Making Negotiation Role-Play: Binder Kadeer Consultation in the Company


Corporate Decision-Making Negotiation Role-Play: Binder Kadeer Consultation in the Company
Publication Type
Year of Publication


Lawrence Susskind
Deborah Kolb
Paddy Moore
Margaret Borne
Peter Shapiro
Publication Language
Three- or four-party consultation by one or two human resources representatives to manage an affirmative action complaint by an employee against his supervisor
Citation Key

An employee of the company has filed a complaint with the company’s affirmative action office, charging his manager with discrimination. Dealing with diversity within the company is also an issue. The case is referred to an HR representative who consults with the parties.

This exercise is one of six modules in the “Collaborative Negotiation for Human Resource Professionals” curriculum package. For details, please see Collaborative Negotiation for Human Resource Professionals under “Curricula.”