Community Dispute Negotiation Role-Play: First City Bank and the Press Developing a Public Relations Strategy

TitleCommunity Dispute Negotiation Role-Play: First City Bank and the Press Developing a Public Relations Strategy
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsLitwak, J, Susskind, L
Keywordsangry public, BATNA, bluffing, coalition, competition, consensus, cooperation, dealing with an angry public, dispute, disputes resolution, interests, Lawrence Susskind, negotiation, negotiations, tactics, teflex, Teflex Products

Six-party negotiation among lending institution representatives, community leaders, a contractors' association, and the mayor's office to develop a public relations strategy and solutions to a foreclosure crisis caused by a widespread mortgage scam

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The local newspaper, ‘the Gazette’ has recently published an article about a possible mortgage scam involving the First City Bank (‘the Bank’). The Bank has allegedly offered high interest rate loans in low-income and minority neighborhoods and has forced a high number of foreclosures in these areas. Private mortgage companies have been accused of colluding with contractors, and the city government has been blamed for its lack of regulation of the private lending industry. A meeting has been arranged between representatives of First City Bank, the mayor’s office, political leaders of low-income neighborhoods, private mortgage companies, the city wide trade association of contractors and the State Banking Commission to discuss the situation.