City Planner, Mediator, and MIT Professor

Business and Commercial Dispute Negotiation Role-Play: Appleton vs. Baker


Business and Commercial Dispute Negotiation Role-Play: Appleton vs. Baker
Publication Type
Year of Publication


Lawrence Susskind
Publication Language
Two-party, single-issue distributive negotiation between principals regarding a potential real estate sale
Citation Key

The Appletons and Bakers own homes on adjacent parcels of land. The Appletons are selling their house, and they also want to sell the half-lot which rests between their home and the Bakers’. The purchasers of their home are not interested in buying the lot. The Bakers are interested in the lot. There is a large bargaining zone ($5,000 to 20,000), but neither party knows of the other party’s interests.

Note: After debriefing, it is an option to have a five-minute re-negotiation once everyone knows the actual constraints placed on the other party.