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Balachandra, Lakshmi, Frank Barrett, Howard Bellman, Colin Fisher, and Lawrence Susskind. Improvisation And Mediation: Balancing Acts. Negotiation Journal 21, no. 4. Negotiation Journal (2005). doi:10.1111/j.1571-9979.2005.00074.x.
Bidwell, Robin, Frans Evers, Paul De Jongh, and Lawrence Susskind. Public Perceptions And Scientific Uncertainty: The Management Of Risky Decisions. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 7, no. 1. Environmental Impact Assessment Review (1987). doi:
Dinnar, Samuel, and Lawrence Susskind. The Eight Big Negotiation Mistakes That Entrepreneurs Make. Negotiation Journal 34, no. 43. Negotiation Journal (2018): 401 - 413. doi:10.1111/nejo.12244.
Dinnar, Samuel, and Lawrence Susskind. The Eight Common Mistakes That Entrepreneurs Make When Negotiating. The European Business Review no. 3. The European Business Review (2019).
Dinnar, Samuel, and Lawrence Susskind. Os Oito Grandes Erros De Negociação Que Empreendedores Cometem. Revista De Direito Público Da Economia – Rdpe 17, no. 65. Revista De Direito Público Da Economia – Rdpe (2019): 253-266.
