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Susskind, Lawrence, Gary Hack, Eugenie Birch, Paul Sedway, and Mitchell Silver. The Environment And Environmentalism. In Local Planning: Contemporary Principles And Practice, 74-80. Local Planning: Contemporary Principles And Practice. ICMA Press, 2009.
Susskind, Lawrence. Energy Strategy: Road Map To Consensus. Board of Directors of the American Energy Assurance Council on the Substance and Process of the National Energy Consensus Experiment, 1990.
Dinnar, Samuel, and Lawrence Susskind. The Eight Common Mistakes That Entrepreneurs Make When Negotiating. The European Business Review no. 3. The European Business Review (2019).
Dinnar, Samuel, and Lawrence Susskind. The Eight Big Negotiation Mistakes That Entrepreneurs Make. Negotiation Journal 34, no. 43. Negotiation Journal (2018): 401 - 413. doi:10.1111/nejo.12244.
Susskind, Lawrence, and Chalres Perry. The Dynamics Of Growth Policy Formulation And Implementation: A Massachusetts Case Study. Law And Contemporary Problems 43, no. 2. Law And Contemporary Problems (1979).
Susskind, Lawrence. Deliberative Democracy And Dispute Resolution. Ohio State Journal On Dispute Resolution, Vol. 24, Issue 3, 2009: 1-12 24, no. 3. Ohio State Journal On Dispute Resolution, Vol. 24, Issue 3, 2009: 1-12 (2009): 1-12.
Susskind, Lawrence, and Patrick Field. Dealing With An Angrier Public Part Two. Acresolutions Magazine: The Quarterly Magazine Of The Association For Conflict Resolution 12, no. 4. Acresolutions Magazine: The Quarterly Magazine Of The Association For Conflict Resolution (2012).
Susskind, Lawrence, and Patrick Field. Dealing With An Angrier Public Part 1. Acresolution: The Quarterly Magazine Of The Association For Conflict Resolution 12, no. 3. Acresolution: The Quarterly Magazine Of The Association For Conflict Resolution (2012).
Susskind, Lawrence, and Stephen Cassella. The Dangers Of Preemptive Legislation: The Case Of Lng Facility Siting In California. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 1, no. 1. Environmental Impact Assessment Review (1980). doi:
