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Laws, David, Roland Scholz, Hideaki Shiroyama, Lawrence Susskind, Tatsuro Suzuki, and Olaf Weber. Expert Views On Sustainability And Technology Implementation . Natural And Social Science Interface (Uns). Natural And Social Science Interface (Uns), 2002.
Susskind, Lawrence. Evaluating Dispute Resolution Experiments. Negotiation Journal 2, no. 2. Negotiation Journal (1986). doi:10.1111/j.1571-9979.1986.tb00346.x.
Susskind, Lawrence, Alexis Schulman, Michael Kraft, and Sheldon Kamieniecki. Environmental Policy Evaluation And The Prospects For Public Learning. In Oxford Handbook Of Environmental Policy. Oxford Handbook Of Environmental Policy. Oxford University Press, 2012. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199744671.013.0030.
Susskind, Lawrence. The Environmental Policy And Planning Group - A Seamless Network Across The Institute . Dusp Faculty Videos. Dusp Faculty Videos. Department of Urban Studies and Planning, 2017.
