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Essec Business School Interview. ESSEC Business School, 2010.
. “Professor Lawrence Susskind And Dealing With An Angry Public”. Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School, 2011.
. “Integrated Joint Fact-Finding”. Ijff Conference. Ijff Conference. Consensus Building Institute, 2012.
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“The Environmental Policy And Planning Group - A Seamless Network Across The Institute ”. Dusp Faculty Videos. Dusp Faculty Videos. Department of Urban Studies and Planning, 2017.
. “Forging Consensus On Local Climate Risk Management”. Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, MIT, 2016.
. “New Tools For Democratic Decision-Making”. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2012.
. “Using Serious Games To Enhance Community Participation ”. Department of Urban Studies and Planning, MIT, 2017.
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“Balancing Analysis And Intuition”. Negotiation Journal 33, no. 4. Negotiation Journal (2017). doi:10.1111/nejo.12191.
. “Managing Complexity: From Visual Perception To Sustainable Transitions. Contributions Of Brunswik’S Theory Of Probabilistic Functionalism”. Environment Systems And Decisions. Environment Systems And Decisions (2017). doi:
. “South-South Learning Prospects And The Malaysia Sustainable Cities Program”. Vulnerable Cities. Vulnerable Cities (2017).
. “Urban Science: Regression To Technocracy Or Pathway To Progressive Planning?”. Planning Ideas That Matter Podcast. Planning Ideas That Matter Podcast. Department of Urban Studies and Planning, 2017.
. “(Participatory) Action Research: Principles, Approaches And Applications”. In. Nova Science Publishers, 2018.
. Managing Climate Risks In Resilient Cities. The University of Utah Press, 2016.
. “Water In The Middle East: Making Room For Informal Problem Solving”. Bustan: The Middle East Book Review 8, no. 2. Bustan: The Middle East Book Review (2017): 132. doi:10.5325/bustan.8.2.0132.
. “Planning For Readiness—And Growth, Using Climate Vulnerability Assessments And Long-Range Master Planning, Boston And Cambridge Address The Dual Demands Of Climate Change And Economic Development”. Planning 84, no. 3. Planning (2018): (32-36).
. “Paul Davidoff Tapes Project”. The Davidoff Tapes Project. The Davidoff Tapes Project, 2018.
. “Deliberative Democracy And Public Dispute Resolution”. In The Oxford Handbook Of Deliberative Democracy. The Oxford Handbook Of Deliberative Democracy. Oxford University Press, 2018.
. “Acsp Distinguished Educator, 1997: Lloyd Rodwin”. Journal Of Planning Education And Research 39, no. 1. Journal Of Planning Education And Research (2019). doi:10.1177/0739456X18808577.
. “Complexity Of Transboundary Water Disputes: Enabling Conditions For Negotiating Contingent Resolutions”. In. London: Anthem Press, 2018.
. “Good For You, Great For Me”. Negotiations Ninja, 2019.
. “Reflections On David Godschalk’S Contributions To Planning As Consensus Building”. Journal Of The American Planning Association 85, no. 1. Journal Of The American Planning Association (2019): 21 - 22. doi:10.1080/01944363.2018.1521735.