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Susskind, Lawrence. Twenty-Five Years Ago And Twenty-Five Years From Now: The Future Of Public Dispute Resolution. Negotiation Journal 25, no. 4. Negotiation Journal (2009): 551-557. doi:10.1111/j.1571-9979.2009.00245.x.
Susskind, Lawrence. Deliberative Democracy And Dispute Resolution. Ohio State Journal On Dispute Resolution, Vol. 24, Issue 3, 2009: 1-12 24, no. 3. Ohio State Journal On Dispute Resolution, Vol. 24, Issue 3, 2009: 1-12 (2009): 1-12.
Susskind, Lawrence, Gary Hack, Eugenie Birch, Paul Sedway, and Mitchell Silver. The Environment And Environmentalism. In Local Planning: Contemporary Principles And Practice, 74-80. Local Planning: Contemporary Principles And Practice. ICMA Press, 2009.
Susskind, Lawrence, and Noah Susskind. Connecting Theory And Practice. Negotiation Journal 24, no. 2. Negotiation Journal (2008): 201-209. doi:10.1111/j.1571-9979.2008.00178.x.
Susskind, Lawrence. Strengthening The Global Environmental Treaty System. Issues In Science And Technology 25, no. 1. Issues In Science And Technology (2008).
Susskind, Lawrence, and Isabelle Anguelovski. Addressing The Land Claims Of Indigenous People. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Program on Human Rights and Justice, 2008.
Susskind, Lawrence, Patrick Field, Mieke van der Wansem, Kevin Hanna, and Scott Slocombe. Integrating Scientific Information, Stakeholder Interests, And Political Concerns In Resource And Environmental Planning And Management. In Integrated Resource And Environmental Management: Concepts And Practice. Integrated Resource And Environmental Management: Concepts And Practice. Oxford University Press, 2007.
Susskind, Lawrence. Can Public Policy Dispute Resolution Meet The Challenges Set By Deliberative Democracy?. Dispute Resolution Magazine 12, no. 2. Dispute Resolution Magazine (2006): 5-6.
Susskind, Lawrence. Association Of Collegiate Schools Of Planning Distinguished Educator Award –Acceptance Speech. Journal Of Planning Education And Research 25, no. 3. Journal Of Planning Education And Research (2006): 329-330. doi:10.1177/0739456X06286213.
Susskind, Lawrence. Breaking Robert’S Rules: Consensus-Building Techniques For Group Decision Making. Negotiation Journal 22, no. 3. Negotiation Journal (2006): 351-355. doi:10.1111/j.1571-9979.2006.00106.x.
Susskind, Lawrence, Michael Moran, Martin Rein, and Robert Goodin. Arguing, Bargaining And Getting Agreement. In Oxford Handbook Of Public Policy. 1stst ed. Oxford Handbook Of Public Policy. Oxford University Press, 2005.
Susskind, Lawrence, Hillwl Levine, Gideon Aran, Shlomo Kaniel, Yair Sheleg, and Moshe Halbertal. Religious And Ideological Dimensions Of The Israeli Settlements Issue: Reframing The Narrative?. Negotiation Journal 21, no. 2. Negotiation Journal (2005): 177-191. doi:10.1111/j.1571-9979.2005.00056.x.
Susskind, Lawrence, and Alexis Gensberg. Building Consensus: Dealing With Controversial Land Use Issues & Disputes. Planning Commissioners Journal no. 48. Planning Commissioners Journal (2002): 16-19.
Susskind, Lawrence, Boyd Fuller, Michè le Ferenze, and David Fairman. Multistakeholder Dialogue At The Global Scale. International Negotiation Journal 8, no. 2. International Negotiation Journal (2003): 235-266. doi:10.1163/157180603322576121.
Susskind, Lawrence, Mieke van der Wansem, and Armand Ciccarelli. Mediating Land Use Disputes In The United States: Pros And Cons. Environments: A Journal Of Interdisciplinary Studies, Special Issue On Collaborative Planning And Sustainable Resource Management: The North American Experience 31, no. 2. Environments: A Journal Of Interdisciplinary Studies, Special Issue On Collaborative Planning And Sustainable Resource Management: The North American Experience (2003): 39-58.
Susskind, Lawrence, Louis Carter, Warner Burke, Jim Bolt, Marshall Goldsmith, and David Ulrich. What Do We Know About Training World Class Negotiators?. In The Change Champion's Field Guide: Strategies And Tools For Leading Change In Your Organization. 1stst ed. The Change Champion's Field Guide: Strategies And Tools For Leading Change In Your Organization. Wiley, 2003.
Susskind, Lawrence, and Stuart S Nagel. Super-Optimization: A New Approach To National Environmental Policymaking. In Handbook Of Public Policy Evaluation. 1stst ed. Handbook Of Public Policy Evaluation. SAGE Publications, 2001.
