
Found 341 results
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Susskind, Lawrence, Patrick Field, Griffin Smith, Todd Schenk, and Masahiro Matsuura. Joint Fact-Finding: Process And Practice. In Joint Fact-Finding In Urban Planning And Environmental Disputes (The Earthscan Science In Society Series) , 14-27. Joint Fact-Finding In Urban Planning And Environmental Disputes (The Earthscan Science In Society Series) . Routledge, 2016.
Rumore, Danya, Todd Schenk, and Lawrence Susskind. Role-Play Simulations For Climate Change Adaptation Education And Engagement. Nature Climate Change 6. Nature Climate Change (2016). doi:10.1038/nclimate3084.
Susskind, Lawrence. The Warming Arctic: Site Of A New 'cold War'?. The Warming Arctic: Site Of A New "cold War"?. The Warming Arctic: Site Of A New "cold War"? MIT: Center for International Studies, 2016.
Susskind, Lawrence, and Ryan Cook. The Cost Of Contentiousness: A Status Report On Offshore Wind In The Eastern United States. Virginia Environmental Law 33, no. 3. Virginia Environmental Law (2015).
Susskind, Lawrence. La Plupart Des Personnes Entament Les Negociations Sans Veritable Preparation. Le Monde De L’Intelligence no. 40. Le Monde De L’Intelligence (2015).
Susskind, Lawrence, and Shafiqul Islam. Understanding The Water Crisis In Africa And The Middle East: How Can Science Inform Policy And Practice?. Bulletin Of The Atomic Scientists 71, no. 2. Bulletin Of The Atomic Scientists (2015).
Susskind, Lawrence, and Danya Rumore. Using Devising Seminars To Advance Collaborative Problem Solving In Complicated Public Policy Disputes. Negotiation Journal 31, no. 3. Negotiation Journal (2015). doi:10.1111/nejo.12092.
Schenk, Todd, Lawrence Susskind, Arwin van Buuren, Jasper Eshuis, and Mathijs van Vliet. Using Role-Play Simulations To Encourage Adaptation. In Action Research For Climate Change Adaptation: Developing And Applying Knowledge For Governance. 1stst ed. Action Research For Climate Change Adaptation: Developing And Applying Knowledge For Governance. Routledge, 2015.
Susskind, Lawrence, Todd Schenk, and Danya Rumore. Arctic Fisheries Devising Seminar: Stakeholder Assessment. Program On Negotiation Working Paper Series. Program On Negotiation Working Paper Series (2014).
Susskind, Lawrence, Danya Rumore, and Todd Schenk. Arctic Fisheries Devising Seminar: Summary Report. Program On Negotiation Working Paper Series. Program On Negotiation Working Paper Series (2014).
Susskind, Lawrence, and Todd Schenk. Can Games Really Change The Course Of History?. Négociations 2, no. 22. Négociations (2014): 29-39. doi:10.3917/neg.022.0029.
Susskind, Lawrence, Teodoro Kausel, José Aylwin, and Elizabeth Fierman. The Future Of Hydropower In Chile. Journal Of Energy And Natural Resources Law 32, no. 4. Journal Of Energy And Natural Resources Law (2014).
