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Susskind, Lawrence, Patrick Field, Mieke van der Wansem, Kevin Hanna, and Scott Slocombe. Integrating Scientific Information, Stakeholder Interests, And Political Concerns In Resource And Environmental Planning And Management. In Integrated Resource And Environmental Management: Concepts And Practice. Integrated Resource And Environmental Management: Concepts And Practice. Oxford University Press, 2007.
Susskind, Lawrence, Mieke van der Wansem, and Armand Ciccarelli. Mediating Land Use Disputes In The United States: Pros And Cons. Environments: A Journal Of Interdisciplinary Studies, Special Issue On Collaborative Planning And Sustainable Resource Management: The North American Experience 31, no. 2. Environments: A Journal Of Interdisciplinary Studies, Special Issue On Collaborative Planning And Sustainable Resource Management: The North American Experience (2003): 39-58.