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“Understanding The Water Crisis In Africa And The Middle East: How Can Science Inform Policy And Practice?”. Bulletin Of The Atomic Scientists 71, no. 2. Bulletin Of The Atomic Scientists (2015).
. “Using Devising Seminars To Advance Collaborative Problem Solving In Complicated Public Policy Disputes”. Negotiation Journal 31, no. 3. Negotiation Journal (2015). doi:10.1111/nejo.12092.
. “Using Role-Play Simulations To Encourage Adaptation”. In Action Research For Climate Change Adaptation: Developing And Applying Knowledge For Governance. 1stst ed. Action Research For Climate Change Adaptation: Developing And Applying Knowledge For Governance. Routledge, 2015.
. “The End Of Environmental Diplomacy?”. Border Crossing. Border Crossing, 2016.
. “Entrepreneurs: Prepare To Overcome Key Negotiation Challenges”. Negotiation Briefings . Negotiation Briefings , 2016.
. “Forging Consensus On Local Climate Risk Management”. Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, MIT, 2016.
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“Joint Fact-Finding: Process And Practice”. In Joint Fact-Finding In Urban Planning And Environmental Disputes (The Earthscan Science In Society Series) , 14-27. Joint Fact-Finding In Urban Planning And Environmental Disputes (The Earthscan Science In Society Series) . Routledge, 2016.
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Managing Climate Risks In Resilient Cities. The University of Utah Press, 2016.
. “The Need To Build Policy Literacy Into Climate Science Education”. Wires Clim Change. Wires Clim Change (2016). doi:10.1002/wcc.455.
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“Role-Play Simulations For Climate Change Adaptation Education And Engagement”. Nature Climate Change 6. Nature Climate Change (2016). doi:10.1038/nclimate3084.
. “Successful Entrepreneurs Must Learn To Negotiate”. Mediate: Everything Mediation, 2016.
. “The Warming Arctic: Site Of A New 'cold War'?”. The Warming Arctic: Site Of A New "cold War"?. The Warming Arctic: Site Of A New "cold War"? MIT: Center for International Studies, 2016.
. “Balancing Analysis And Intuition”. Negotiation Journal 33, no. 4. Negotiation Journal (2017). doi:10.1111/nejo.12191.
. Creative Confrontation: The Right To Speak, The Right To Be Heard. 2nd ed. IPOC, 2017.
. “The Environmental Policy And Planning Group - A Seamless Network Across The Institute ”. Dusp Faculty Videos. Dusp Faculty Videos. Department of Urban Studies and Planning, 2017.
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Het Kan Wel!. 2nd ed., 2017.