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Madigan, Denise, Tod Loofbourrow, Eileen Babbitt, and Lawrence Susskind. Regulation Negotiation Role-Play: Lake Wasota Fishing Rights, 1985. doi:agreement, agreements, bargaining, BATNA, bluffing, brainstorming, coalition, competition, conflict, consensus, consensus building, cooperation, dispute, environmental dispute resolution, legitimacy, litigation, Mediation, mutually beneficial, negotiate, .
Susskind, Lawrence, Hillwl Levine, Gideon Aran, Shlomo Kaniel, Yair Sheleg, and Moshe Halbertal. Religious And Ideological Dimensions Of The Israeli Settlements Issue: Reframing The Narrative?. Negotiation Journal 21, no. 2. Negotiation Journal (2005): 177-191. doi:10.1111/j.1571-9979.2005.00056.x.
Susskind, Lawrence. Restoring The Credibility And Enhancing The Usefulness Of The Eia Process. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 3, no. 1. Environmental Impact Assessment Review (1982). doi:
Field, Patrick, Howard Raiffa, and Lawrence Susskind. Risk And Justice: Rethinking The Concept Of Compensation. The Annals Of The American Academy Of Political And Social Science 545. The Annals Of The American Academy Of Political And Social Science (1996). doi:10.1177/0002716296545001016.
Weber, Elke, and Lawrence Susskind. Risk As Feelings And Perception Matters: The Role Of Risk Perception In Environmental Decisions . Finance, Geography And Sustainability Workshops. Finance, Geography And Sustainability Workshops. Department of Urban Studies and Planning, MIT, 2017.
Susskind, Lawrence, and Joshua Secunda. The Risks And The Advantages Of Agency Discretion: Evidence From Epa's Project Xl. Ucla Journal Of Environmental Law And Policy 17, no. 1. Ucla Journal Of Environmental Law And Policy (1998).
Rumore, Danya, Todd Schenk, and Lawrence Susskind. Role-Play Simulations For Climate Change Adaptation Education And Engagement. Nature Climate Change 6. Nature Climate Change (2016). doi:10.1038/nclimate3084.
Susskind, Lawrence. Scorable Games: A Better Way To Teach Negotiation?. Negotiation Journal 1, no. 3. Negotiation Journal (1985). doi:10.1111/j.1571-9979.1985.tb00308.x.
Susskind, Lawrence. A Sharper Focus: Defining The Common Issues In Dispute Resolution. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 6, no. 1. Environmental Impact Assessment Review (1986). doi:
Susskind, Lawrence. The Siting Puzzle: Balancing Economic And Environmental Gains And Losses. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 5, no. 2. Environmental Impact Assessment Review (1985). doi:
