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“Environmental Mediation And The Accountability Problem”. Vermont Law Review 6, no. 1. Vermont Law Review (1981).
. “The Importance Of Nonobjective Judgments In Environmental Impact Assessments”. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 2, no. 4. Environmental Impact Assessment Review (1981). doi:
. “Learning From Citizen Participation And Citizen Action In Western Europe”. The Journal Of Applied Behavioral Science 17, no. 4. The Journal Of Applied Behavioral Science (1981). doi:
. “Irbs And The Regulation Of Social Science Research”. In Human Subjects Research: A Handbook For Institutional Review Boards. Human Subjects Research: A Handbook For Institutional Review Boards. Springer US, 1982. doi:10.1007/978-1-4684-4157-4.
. “Restoring The Credibility And Enhancing The Usefulness Of The Eia Process”. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 3, no. 1. Environmental Impact Assessment Review (1982). doi:
. “Mediated Negotiation In The Public Sector: Mediator Accountability And The Public Interest Problem”. American Behavioral Scientist 27, no. 12. American Behavioral Scientist (1983). doi:10.1177/000276483027002009.
. “Negotiation: Behavioral Perspectives”. American Behavioral Scientist 27, no. 2. American Behavioral Scientist (1983).
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Proposition 2 1/2: Its Impact On Massachusetts. Lincoln Inst of Land Policy, 1983.
. Resolving Environmental Regulatory Disputes. Schenkman Publishers, 1983.
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“A Home In That Rock: Sheltering The Relocated Population”. In Counterfeit Ark: Crisis Relocation For Nuclear War . Counterfeit Ark: Crisis Relocation For Nuclear War . Ballinger Pub Co, 1984.
. “Mediated Negotiation In The Public Sector: The Planner As Mediator”. Journal Of Planning Education And Research 4, no. 1. Journal Of Planning Education And Research (1984). doi:10.1177/0739456X8400400103.
. “New Approaches To Resolving Disputes In The Public Sector.”. The Justice System Journal 9, no. 2. The Justice System Journal (1984).
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“Court-Appointed Masters As Mediators”. Negotiation Journal 1, no. 4. Negotiation Journal (1985). doi:10.1111/j.1571-9979.1985.tb00319.x.
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“Mediating Public Disputes”. Negotiation Journal 1, no. 1. Negotiation Journal (1985). doi:10.1111/j.1571-9979.1985.tb00288.x.
. “Mediating Public Disputes: A Response To The Skeptics”. Negotiation Journal 1, no. 2. Negotiation Journal (1985). doi:10.1111/j.1571-9979.1985.tb00300.x.