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“Risk As Feelings And Perception Matters: The Role Of Risk Perception In Environmental Decisions ”. Finance, Geography And Sustainability Workshops. Finance, Geography And Sustainability Workshops. Department of Urban Studies and Planning, MIT, 2017.
. “Deliberative Democracy And Public Dispute Resolution”. In The Oxford Handbook Of Deliberative Democracy. The Oxford Handbook Of Deliberative Democracy. Oxford University Press, 2018.
. “Expanding The Ethical Obligations Of The Mediator: Mediator Accountability To Parties Not At The Table”. In What's Fair: Ethics For Negotiators. What's Fair: Ethics For Negotiators. Jossey-Bass, 2004.
. “A Dialogue, Not A Diatribe Effective Integration Of Science And Policy Through Joint Fact Finding”. Environment 49. Environment (2007): 20-34.
. “Expert Views On Sustainability And Technology Implementation”. International Journal Of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 11, no. 3. International Journal Of Sustainable Development & World Ecology (2004): 247 - 261. doi:10.1080/13504500409469829.
. “Towards A Theory Of Environmental Dispute Resolution”. Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review 9, no. 2. Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review (1980).
. “Expert Views On Sustainability And Technology Implementation ”. Natural And Social Science Interface (Uns). Natural And Social Science Interface (Uns), 2002.
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New England Climate Adaptation Project: Case Studies Dover, New Hampshire; Barnstable, Massachusetts; Wells, Maine And Cranston, Rhode Island.. Science Impact Collaborative at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Consensus Building Institute, 2014.
. “Fireside Q & A With Professor Larry Susskind”. The University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law, 2016.