City Planner, Mediator, and MIT Professor

International Relations Negotiation Role-Play: Hitana Bay Development Simulation


International Relations Negotiation Role-Play: Hitana Bay Development Simulation
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Year of Publication


Lawrence Susskind
Publication Language
Ten-party, multi-issue negotiation among government, development, industry, labor, and preservation interests over port improvements, real-estate development, and environmental protection in a Caribbean island harbor expansion
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The city of Hitana lies next to Hitana Bay on the Caribbean island of Barhamia. The government of Hitana is currently considering several redevelopment proposals for the region. The Port Authority and major shippers are urging improvements to the deep-water port; the City of Hitana and a private real estate partnership seek to redevelop the warehouse district for business, commercial, and residential use; and the nongovernmental Coalition for Hitana Bay Heritage proposes to take environmental protection measures around Hitana Bay.

The Prime Minister’s Office has convened a Task Force that includes representatives of the ten major groups involved in, and potentially affected by, the proposed projects. The ten representatives include the Prime Minister’s Special Assistant for Economic Development, the Deputy Minister of Environment for Coastal Zone Management, the Director of the Port Authority of Hitana, the Director of the City of Hitana Planning Offic, the Executive Vice-President of Harborside Properties Group, the Executive Director of the Coalition for Hitana Bay Heritage, the Vice-President for International Trade of the Barhamia Chamber of Commerce, the President of the Port of Hitana Workers Union, the Director of the Hitana Bay Fishermen’s Federation, and the International Waters Division Chief of the Global Environment Fund.

This simulation is designed to include pre-meeting caucuses among selected Task Force members, an initial round of Task Force negotiations, and a final round of Task Force negotiations.