International Relations Negotiation Role-Play: Monroe Energy Assistance Game II

TitleInternational Relations Negotiation Role-Play: Monroe Energy Assistance Game II
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsLitwak, J, Susskind, L
Keywordsagreement, agreements, BATNA, coalition, competition, conflict, conflicts, consensus, consensus building, cooperation, dispute, interests, mediator, Monroe Energy Assistance Game I, negotiating, negotiating strategies, negotiation, relationship, tactics

Six-player negotiation with a mediator role. 

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A federal statute requires each state to submit a plan detailing how it will spend its share of an energy assistance fund for low-income residents. Governor Able of Monroe, a state that has been criticized for its previous policy, has created an Energy Assistance Task Force with members from state agencies, utility companies, the legislature and consumer groups to try and reach a consensus on a new plan. The Task Force has been meeting for several months to discuss the three issues of eligibility for assistance, funding for the program, and method of payment as instructed by the Governor. Participants in the exercise are given portions of the Task Force meeting transcripts and several questions to discuss. Unlike Monroe Energy Assistance Game I, this simulation forces the parties to deal with fundamental disagreements over values. The parties have to find some way of dealing with their ideological differences, not just differing economic interests.