Game Theory and Negotiation Analytics Role-Play: Three-Party Coalition Exercise

TitleGame Theory and Negotiation Analytics Role-Play: Three-Party Coalition Exercise
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsSusskind, L
Keywordsagreement, BATNA, coalition, competition, cooperation, dispute, howard raiffa, negotiation, negotiation game, negotiations, Parking Facility Venture, PON, Rushing River Cleanup, Three-Party Coalition Exercise

Three-party, short, scoreable negotiation among representatives of three organizations over the integrative and distributive aspects of a possible 2- or 3-party coalition

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Three independent organizations, “A,” “B” and “C,” have sent representatives to a three-way negotiation. The representatives have learned that there are benefits to working together. If all three groups reach an agreement, benefits totaling 121 points will be split three ways (to be determined by the participants). If only two of the organizations reach an agreement, the total benefits to be split will be less than 121 (varying, depending on which two organizations join together) and the third party will be left with nothing.

You can see students practicing the Three-Party Coalition Exercise negotiation game in this free video: