Game Theory and Negotiation Analytics Role-Play: Multimode, Inc.

TitleGame Theory and Negotiation Analytics Role-Play: Multimode, Inc.
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1986
AuthorsSusskind, L
Keywordslegitimacy, negotiation, nonverbal communication, PON, relationship, reservation price

Two-party intra-organization negotiation between a company's financial and human resources officers regarding the amount of a budget increase.

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T. Boyd, a Vice President of Budget and Finance at Multimode, Inc., (a manufacturing firm) is about to meet J. Arnold, a Vice President of the Human Resource Development Office at Multimode. T. Boyd has formally met with other departments to discuss the upcoming year’s budget as well as expected productivity increases. The maximum allowable budget increase has been set at 5%. In order to implement a new reorganization plan, J. Arnold is requesting an 8% increase.