Environment and Sustainability Negotiation Role-Play: DEC v. Riverside

TitleEnvironment and Sustainability Negotiation Role-Play: DEC v. Riverside
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1985
AuthorsLax, D, Sebenius, J, Susskind, L, Weeks, T
Keywordsagreement, agreements, BATNA, best alternative to a negotiated agreement, bluffing, competition, conflict, cooperation, cooperative, david lax, DEC v. Riverside, interests, litigation, negotiate, negotiated agreement, negotiation, negotiation strategies, negotiations, negotiator, negotiators, PON, reservation price, tactics

Two-party, multi-issue, scoreable negotiation between a manufacturer and a state environmental agency to reach a settlement over the manufacturer's pollution of a local river

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Riverside Lumber is a pulp manufacturer in a small town in the Pacific Northwest. Riverside regularly dumps effluent into a nearby river. The Division of Environmental Conservation (DEC) claims that the effluent is toxic and jeopardizes the local salmon catch. Relations between the two parties have deteriorated. DEC has filed suit against Riverside in an attempt to close the plant. The trial date is three days away, and the parties are meeting to see if a last minute settlement is possible. Several issues will surface in the negotiation: Should Riverside be forced to purchase a special scrubber to neutralize the toxic effects of its effluent? Should Riverside be forced to close temporarily or permanently? Can DEC provide Riverside financial incentives to encourage cooperation?