Education Negotiation Role-Play: Franklin Family Foundation and Westbrook Regional School District

TitleEducation Negotiation Role-Play: Franklin Family Foundation and Westbrook Regional School District
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1996
AuthorsPreston, C, Susskind, L
Keywordsagreement, agreements, collaborative, consensus, consensus building, external negotiations, HNI, internal negotiation, internal negotiations, negotiate, negotiation, negotiations, PON, preparing for negotiations

Twelve-person, two-round negotiation between six foundation board members and six school board and community leaders over efforts to address racial disparities in academic performance; internal negotiations precede external

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A recent report has stated that minority groups in the Westbrook Regional School District show a significant disparity in academic performance with regards to their white peers. In response, the Executive Director of the Franklin Family Foundation (a local charitable foundation) and the Superintendent of the District have developed a tutorial program for high school minorities, to be funded be the Foundation. Reaction from the community and the School Board has been mixed. The Foundation Board of Directors and members of the community, headed by members of the school board, are meeting to discuss what should be done to proceed in improving the program. The two groups will first meet separately to determine their collective goals and objectives, and then will meet together to negotiate on the program.