Bassett Creek Water Management Commission

TitleBassett Creek Water Management Commission
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsSusskind, L
Series EditorBabbitt, E, Hoffer, D
Series TitleAlternative Dispute Resolution Series
Document NumberCase 8
Date Published01/1992

This case study is one segment in the second phase of a project,initiated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 1986, to document how AlternativeDispute Resolution (ADR) can be used by Corps District offices to minimize the enormous costsassociatedwith disputes that arise between CorpsDistrictoffices and private corporations. By publishing and distributingpamphlets about different types of ADR processes as well as about past cases in which ADR has been used successfully, the Corps' Office of ChiefCounsel has been encouraging its use since 1984.